Перевод доверенности на английский язык образец

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Как оформить, перевод доверенности на английский язык образец?​

Power of Attorney

I, [Full Name],
born on [Date of Birth], residing at [Full Address], hereby appoint [Full Name of the Representative], born on [Date of Birth of the Representative], residing at [Full Address of the Representative], as my lawful representative to act on my behalf in the following matters:

  1. Representation in Legal Matters: To represent me in all legal matters, including but not limited to, filing and signing legal documents, representing me in court, and dealing with any legal proceedings.
  2. Financial Transactions: To handle all financial transactions on my behalf, including but not limited to, accessing bank accounts, withdrawing and depositing funds, and managing investments.
  3. Real Estate Transactions: To manage, buy, sell, or lease any real estate property in my name, including signing any necessary documents and contracts.
  4. Medical Decisions: To make medical decisions on my behalf in the event that I am unable to do so, including consenting to or refusing medical treatment.
  5. General Powers: To perform any other acts that I could perform myself, including but not limited to, entering into agreements, managing my personal affairs, and dealing with any other matters as deemed necessary.
This Power of Attorney is effective as of [Date] and shall remain in effect until [Date], unless revoked earlier by me in writing.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal on this [Day] of [Month], [Year].

Signature: ___________________________

Full Name: [Your Full Name]

Notary Public (if applicable):


Full Name: [Notary’s Full Name]

Seal/Stamp: ___________________________

Date: ___________________________

Этот образец можно адаптировать под конкретные требования и детали вашего случая. Если доверенность будет использоваться в другой стране, возможно, потребуется нотариальное заверение или апостиль.
